Hon. Shaoquett Moselmane: Wishing you and your readership Merry Christmas & A happy & Safe 2016
To Charbel and Akram and all my friends at Al-Ghorba, wishing you a Merry Christmas and a happy and safe 2016.
I hope that peace will return to Lebanon, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Iraq, and the people of the Middle East.
Like all people around the world they deserve to live in peace and happiness and It's time they enjoyed that right to live.
Shaoquett and family
Message of His Excellency Bishop Antoine-Charbel Tarabay to the People of the Maronite Church in Australia for Christmas 2015
At Christmas, God’s Mercy is Incarnated
1. This year, the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ occurs in the course of the "Jubilee Year of Mercy" declared by Pope Francis. This commences on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, the eighth of December, and ends in 2016 on the Feast of Christ the King, the twentieth of November.
2. The mercy of God was first revealed in His creation of man: "in the image of himself … male and female he created them” (Gen 1:27). This mercy has accompanied man despite his sinning and going astray. It was evident in various stages of the history of the people of God in the Old Testament, but manifested itself in a unique way in the New Testament, when God revealed himself to us through his incarnate Son. This mercy, which appeared in history as an oasis of repentance and reconciliation, in fact transcends all time and space. It endures forever. As the Psalmist says: “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His mercy endures forever” (Psalm 136:1).
3. Christmas is the celebration of the birth of mercy itself into our world as a perfect expression of God's love for humanity. The most beautiful thing we can contemplate at Christmas is the incarnation of God’s mercy. This not only reveals to us the greatness of his boundless love and pity for those who sin and have gone astray, but also that the mercy which flows from the heart of God has now, through the Divine Incarnation, entered the human heart, making us more merciful to our brothers and sisters.
4. Today's world is suffering tremendously from violence and hatred. This is often joined to a hardness of heart and hostility that leads to torture and murder justified on religious or ideological grounds. More than ever, there is an urgent need now to experience that mercy of God which leads man to practice compassion and sympathy when dealing with others. From merciful God to merciful humanity, we journey in contemplation in the words of our Lord Jesus: “Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful” (Luke 6:36).
5. Our celebration of the incarnation of mercy at Christmas must not be limited to words and theories that hold us prisoners of the letter and the law. We are called, in this Year of Mercy, to courageously and confidently leave our comfort zones, and to practice compassion and forgiveness in response to Our Lord’s call to us to repent. Jesus met with sinners and evil-doers, and changed their lives and their hearts, not through the force of law or the threat of justice, but by mercy and love, proclaiming: "Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy” (Matthew 5:7).
6. One of the main characteristics of God’s mercy, revealing his omnipotence, is that it knows no bounds. The Lord Jesus explained this in the parable of the Good Samaritan where a man fell victim to thieves, who left him beaten and half dead along the side of the road. The Good Samaritan, overcoming the ancient animosity between Jews and Samaritans, and transcending religious and ethnic barriers, treated the man with mercy. This reveals to us how God's mercy knows no bounds. As such, the mercy of each of us towards our brothers and sisters must overcome every barrier and border, and necessarily be put into practice, not remaining a fleeting emotion.
7. On this occasion, I invite you, dear sons and daughters of our Eparchy, to work together and extend a helping hand to the deprived and vulnerable, especially to the refugees in Lebanon and the Middle East. Let us also bear in mind the poor and the marginalised in many parts of the world, where they have been pushed to the outskirts of big cities, where they live in extreme poverty and suffer deprivation and injustice.
8. Every work of mercy which we perform for one of our brethren, we do also for the person of Jesus himself, who is concealed behind the hungry and the thirsty, the sick and the stranger, the marginalised and the prisoner, whether we know this or not.
9. Dearly beloved,
This Year of Mercy is a voice calling our political leaders in the wilderness of today's world, to truthfully and honestly work for peace and bring to an end the wars throughout the world, especially in Syria and Iraq. It is also a call to all those who, to achieve their hidden agendas, employ the name of religion to justify killing and hatred, to listen to the voice of their humanity and their consciences, and to realise that every person is precious, and that life is a gift from God. This should lead them to respect it, and cease their deadly schemes and operations which each and every day claim the lives of innocent souls.
10. The Door of Mercy is Jesus Christ himself. He has opened this door for us through the Church and the Sacraments, especially through the Sacraments of the Eucharist and Reconciliation. In this Holy Jubilee Year, we have dedicated Doors of Mercy in three churches of our Eparchy. These are: St Maroun’s Cathedral in Redfern, Our Lady of Lebanon Co-Cathedral in Harris Park, and Our Lady of Lebanon Church in Melbourne. The passage of believers through the Door of Mercy has the symbolic and mystical meaning that we pass with the Lord Jesus from darkness to light, from slavery to freedom, and from sin to grace. May our celebration of Christmas this year truly be an occasion to renew the birth of mercy in our hearts, in our communities, and in our world.
Christ is Born! Alleluia!
Sydney, 24 December 2015.
+ Antoine-Charbel Tarabay
Maronite Bishop of Australia
The Maronite Catholic Society, President and members
Extend to his Excellency George Al Bitar Ghanem , Consul-General of Lebanon and to his bride Dr Bahia Abou Hamad
Their best wishes for a serene life for both
May they see happier and brighter days filled with laughter and fun.
Congratulations and Best of Luck for their future together!!!
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Raymond Abi Arraj
Maronite Catholic Society
The Australian Egyptian Council Forum organized a gala dinner on the honor of our pioneers
On Sunday 13 December 2015 in Villa Blanca in Bankstown the Australian Egyptian Council Forum organized a gala dinner on the honor of our pioneers who paved the way for many thousands of peoples to follow there foot steps.
Special thanks and congratulations to Mr. Victor Bassily , Mr. Amir Salem, Dr. Emad Mohaerb, Dr. Farag Gobran and Chairman Dr. Wafik Latif for organizing this successful night.
These are part one photos of this Gala dinner.
The Australian Arab Business Network (AABN) elected a new Board Members
The Australian Arab Business Network (AABN) elected a new Board Members at its Annual General Meeting (AGM) held at the 53 Raymond St, Bankstown on Wednesday 09 December 2015.
Following presentation of the Annual report by outgoing president, Mr Hassan Moussa, the Election was conducted by Mr. Simon Diab, of Simon Diab & Associates, a Business Member of the AABC.
An election of a new Board of Management was elected as follows:
President Mr. Hassan Moussa R.M. Gregory Printers
Vice President Mr. Zak Refai SE Timber
Secretary Mr Roy Skaf MacquarieYork Real Estate
Treasurer Mr. Amir Attia AFS Financial Group
Assistant Secretary Ms Natalie Karapatsakis AIIMS
Board Member Mr. Eddie Chehab Advanced Timber
Mr. Bass El Hachem All Star Solutions
Mr. Osman Omar Industrial Zone
Mr. Jim Sayegh JJ Sayegh Consultant
For Photos please visit our Facebook page on:
For Media Enquiries please Contact Ms Reem Elkudor, on 0414 747 316 or email:
Speech welcoming and recognizing Dr. Jihad Moustapha for his distinguished achievements
By The Hon. Shaoquett Moselmane MLC.
I acknowledge my parliamentary colleagues Mr Chris Minns MP member for Kogarah…
and the number of Councilor representatives, Rockdale Councilors Joe Awada and Tarek Ibrahim, Sutherland Councilor D. Mayor Hassan Awada and former Liverpool D Mayor, Clr Ali karnib.
I also acknowledge the many other distinguished guests too many to name individually but suffice to say there are over 15 doctors 12 media representatives many leaders of community organizations, writers, poets and so forth each make very important contribution to the Arabic community and to the wider Australian Community.
Dr. Moustapha, what you see today is a sample of the many quiet achievers who make us proud.
Some of their achievements are now recorded in journals, in books and some of it is working its way into the World Wide Web.
Can I thank Dr. Kassem Moustapha for asking me to speak at this important community event, welcoming and recognizing you Dr. Jihad Moustapha for your distinguished achievements.
Dr. Moustapha is a Director of Endovascular interventions, He performs artery and vein catheterization which means an operation to open up vessels to improve blood circulation. He has developed a great reputation for his amputation prevention skills. He is a cardiologist whose abilities have earned him a great reputation for pioneering innovations.
When reading Dr. Moustapha’ s CV, I was struck with three things:
Firstly his innovative work which was very much in the Arab tradition of love for science and medicine.
History speaks of Arab medical knowledge much of which laid the basis for medical practice around the world but in particular in Europe.
Their impact on science, technology, and medicine was significant to the extent as one article noted: “today's Western world might look very different without the legacy of Arab scholars in Baghdad, Cairo, Cordoba, and elsewhere.” And it goes on to say “Arab scholars made numerous important scientific and technological advances in mathematics, astronomy, chemistry, metallurgy, architecture, textiles, and agriculture.
One of the most important medical books of its time, completed around 1030 AD, the Laws of Medicine, a massive manuscript, detailing the formulation of medicines, diagnosis of disorders, general medicine and So forth, was written by the Arab physician Ibn Sina.
What we see in Dr Moustapha’s innovative work is a small but an important contribution to this Arab love for science and scientific medical advancements.
Secondly his entrepreneurial skills also denote his Lebanese heritage. De Moustapha has submitted 38 patent app for medical devices he invented. He, like most Lebanese, is an entrepreneur. Like all Lebanese or Arab journalists that are here tonight, the many businessmen and women, the many high achievers, academics, bankers, builders, politicians to suggest just a few are always creative and always innovative and never sitting idle.
The third aspect that stood out for me is the way Dr Moustapha commenced his journey. Having to migrate to the U.S at the age of 15 without family and without money and without language tells of a story of hardship, perseverance and success. He really is the mirror image of all of us migrants in distant lands.
I congratulate Dr Jihad Moustapha and thank you all for honouring us with your presence.
A speech by Tracy Chamoun - Political Project - Diplomat Conference hosted by Embassy of Spain
I would like to thank my honorable hostess: Spain’s Ambassador to Lebanon Signora Milagros Hernando and her dedicated staff who have made this event both possible and powerful due to the presence of the esteemed lady guests joining us today. Thank you all for coming.
To begin, I would also like to acknowledge my women colleagues in the Party who have accompanied me here and who share with me their deepest pleasure to be part of this unique opportunity, not only to present the platform of the Liberal Democrat’s Party’s Policies and Directives for reviving the Lebanese political and social system, but also to recognize the symbolic importance of the respected female audience which we have the privilege of addressing.
Before I start my address I would like to say that there are many reasons why I am standing before you today and one of them no doubt is due to my birth into the established political system. For this I am honored certainly, but I am also aware of the irony, and I am diligent not to waste this privilege on perpetuating a system that only accepts women leaders as clones for their male counterparts.
For this reason among others, I founded a political party in 2012, which could serve as a platform for a modern national strategy while at the same time resting on the values of sovereignty, democracy and coexistence, which were laid out by our forefathers.
For women to play a significant role in Lebanon, a shift has to occur in the perception of women by both women and men, and as Albert Einstein said the realization has to dawn that: “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it” The consciousness that defines women’s roles in Lebanese politics as mother’s, daughters, or wives of important men in Lebanon is no longer valid and has to change.
My grandfather Camille Chamoun was the first president to give women the right to vote. Now we need to ensure for women, the right to govern.
To do that we must bring back democracy to a country that has waived it aside. It is only by fighting for real democracy that we can ensure the fair representation of women.
Any woman today wanting to participate in government or run for president faces an uphill struggle from the outset for different reasons.
The first being: The entrenched dominance of male representation in the Lebanese Parliament. The second being: The nature of the Lebanese political divide along the lines of patriarchal figureheads who perpetuate the system by insuring the succession of their sons, and thirdly being: The geopolitical overlords, consisting of nations which are fundamentally male dominated societies where women are still in some cases even forbidden to drive a car.
However when confronted with the present vacuum in the presidency today it is fair to ask where are the women in this debate? And what kind of president is needed? Is it one that will perpetuate the existing system or one that will endeavor to change it?
For many years under Syrian occupation, the Taef Accord was implemented in the shadow of duress. However since 2005, when the Syrian yoke was removed Lebanon has struggled to exercise its sovereignty in the most basic of its needs including its sovereign duty to insure the legitimacy and application of its constitutional rules.
The Constitution is after all a set of rules, which keep the players in check. When these rules are co-opted in their interpretation by different players, the game is forfeited.
In our political project we address some of the counter-measures to prevent this abuse of power by reestablishing safeguards to the rules of the game. Namely we are asking for a broader role for the President by placing the regulatory bodies of government under the President’s auspices, after they were transposed to the Prime Minister under the Taef Agreement. Since then they have been usurped by the political class and in many cases neutralized. This measure of reviving the regulatory bodies will ensure a tougher process of control in the executive branch and in the administration of the Affairs of State.
We are talking about essential organizations such as The Court of Accounts, The Central Inspection and The Civil Service Board, among others which would ensure that a system of checks and balances is reestablished in the Executive Branch to prevent abuse, and lack of transparency such as for example the fact that three main post war organizations associated not coincidentally with three of the “Zaims”, namely the Council for Development and Reconstruction, The Fund for the Return of the Displaced, and The Council of South Lebanon are all organizations that are excluded to this day from the supervisory and post audit jurisdiction of the Court of Accounts. In other words, the public has no idea about what goes on. Added to which, the nation has been without a national budget for 10 years and this process has been hijacked by political accusations of theft and misuse of public funds.
There is no doubt that the Sate has to be stood on its feet once more by the revival of the supervisory and penalty mechanisms, which ensure accountability and equitability.
In addition, further safeguards need to be reinstated such as the right for the President to dissolve Parliament in the event the Members want to unlawfully extend their own mandates again. Furthermore, in light of the recent presidential vacuum preventative measures must be taken by declaring a deadline for the election of a president by any incumbent parliament or else it faces dissolution and elections are carried out immediately. These preventative strategies do not require the revision of the constitution. They merely require executive decrees and legislation. Since the President has the right to propose the agenda of the Cabinet of Ministers these subjects can all be brought to the table for debate.
The main problem that we have deduced is that there is nobody in charge. Lebanon has been allowed to drift rudderless for years because that which is most feared in Lebanon is change. The vested interests of the ruling class are committed to the preservation of the political seesaw. The parameters of which never change, only the incline shifts from one side of the organized political cartel to the other.
We want to replace the seesaw with the image of a carrousel that ensures that mindfulness, accountability and prescience are the fixed center from which every sector can benefit and grow.
In our political project we have focused on what we believe are the elements over which the Lebanese can exert an element of control. We have steered away from geopolitical posturing and concentrated on formulating a plan for the revival of the different sectors of government. This is an open-ended plan with plenty of room for improvement. W have highlighted how small changes can yield big results by shifting the awareness towards efficiency, sustainability, respect, preservation, accountability and transparency. We have described minor alterations, which could affect each sector dramatically including, new laws against monopolistic practices, environmental exploitation, fiscal regulations, broader healthcare practices, as well as women’s rights and public education, which would all benefit from these modifications.
There are a few sectors, which require special mention namely the matter of the present refugee crisis and the matter of decentralization, which has become highlighted in the recent waste management crisis.
From the outset the refugee crisis has been handled in an ad hoc manner, which is posing severe security and social problems today. Even now with a plan in hand, the implementation of a strategy is nowhere in sight leaving the social fabric of Lebanon in grave danger as it confronts health hazards, the rise in poverty, the increase in unemployment and the burden of providing education. We have outlined a mechanism to handle the displaced crisis, which would be decentralized and adaptable through the local function of municipalities since these populations are impacting the whole country on local levels.
In this issue as well as others, we are saying that the Executive Branch must be re-energized and the oversight given to the President for the sake of continuity in implementation.
The matter of decentralization has never been more acute and though there are many plans and suggestions ranging from administrative decentralization to federalism we are advocating the idea of administrative decentralization, through a process of empowering municipalities by changing the laws surrounding their eligibility and elections, to create local governments that are both fiscally and geographically sustainable. We are also asking that the function of municipalities be removed from the Ministry of Interior and be allocated its own ministry as it once was the case, to be able to centrally coordinate the integration of the decentralization process.
For things to truly change in Lebanon, a new political class has to be allowed to emerge. Under the present system, any newcomer, whether it is a man or a woman, is at the mercy of a traditional leader who will afford them the privilege of taking them on his electoral list and securing their chances at being elected.
We are therefore proponents of a new an electoral law based on proportional representation with large districts in order to break the existing duopoly between the Zaim driven lists and thereby shift the electoral momentum from keeping the status quo, towards healthy competition based on political parties and the advancement of political programs. This will allow for newcomers with new ideas to breakthrough and enter the otherwise closed system. We will also accept an interim proposal, which would allow for a mixed law that would be half majority and half proportional to begin the process of diversification.
As far as women are concerned, we are advocating the imposition of the participation of woman through a transitional quota for the first mandate in the hope that in four years conditions will be more favorable for women generally. This position will be reviewed at the time.
Let us talk now about the security concerns affecting Lebanon today. The fight against terrorism is a national priority because without security there is no prosperity.
Our Party position regarding “The Resistance” is that as it stands today we support “The Resistance” as a force of deterrence, provided that their weapons are not directed against the Lebanese population and provided that “Acts of war” are not initiated or committed which recklessly endanger the nation.
Ultimately a process of integration must be reached with the military arm of Hezbollah that clearly defines jurisdictions and parameters leading to an effective assimilation of this force into more legitimate channels and applications.
The main asset for our national defense is and remains The Lebanese Armed Forces, which should be equipped with the necessary weapons to ward of assaults, fight incursions and prevent terrorism.
In Conclusion today, I would like to say that Lebanon is on course towards becoming a failed republic.
Present political choices have created an explosively dangerous situation in the midst of a regional cataclysm, because they have devalued the role of state institutions.
For this reason the matter of electing a President is of vital relevance in order to avoid a complete governmental free fall into temporary solutions that are anti-constitutional and dangerous.
The restoration of Democracy through the election of a President is the only way to kick start the present paralysis, followed rapidly with the implementation of a new electoral law and parliamentary elections, which would restore the basic democratic principles that uphold the nation.
However, the Presidency cannot be limited to people or candidates who, because of their history, act as political ballast for one side's interests. A president must unite the nation and not divide it further. The claim that a strong president is what is needed is in fact meaningless in a parliamentary democracy where it is more important to focus of building trust among stakeholders than rallying throngs of humans who have no bearing on the outcome of a presidential election.
If we analyze the undercurrents of the present deadlock in the presidency, aside from the idiosyncrasies of certain individual characters who are protagonists to the seat, it becomes evident that there are some fundamental issues, which need to be addressed in this matter.
It can be summarized in the following dilemma: The ineluctable mistrust that exists between the Lebanese Sunni and Shia communities. In essence, the main problem for the Sunnis is Hezbollah's capabilities and their weapons and the main problem for Hezbollah is the Sunni Takfiri threat and the constant clamoring of the Sunnis for them to get rid of their weapons.
Added to this state of internal opposition, the escalation of extremism in the region because of the Syrian civil war and the proxy involvement of both parties on opposite sides of that battle has made it impossible for them to arrive internally at a level of comfort with each other. This has been compounded by the financial reliance of both parties on external goliaths in the form of Saudi Arabia and Iran, who themselves are locked in their own struggle, and which has made it much harder to create and sustain a climate of collaboration in Lebanon.
I believe that the only way a President can be elected in Lebanon is if both the Shia and the Sunni communities stop looking to elect a champion that will defend their cause and instead elect someone who will with time address their mutual concerns.
The intention to find a workable solution for this divergence must be part of the formula for recovery and the choice of a president must be part of this process.
A president, who represents a tipping point in favor of one side or the other, is part of the problem not the solution.
On the other hand, a Christian President is needed who understands this negative obstructive dynamic, who can act as a force of mediation and be a bridge of safety between the two communities, by recognizing the real concerns of each party.
To summarize: I have been implicated in Lebanese political life since my birth. I lived through 18 years of war, lost my whole family as martyrs to this nation and I consider myself a third generation Lebanese.
I feel that it is high time to usher in a “Third Republic” which would reflect the deeper concerns of this nation and would bring about a transformation through the advocacy of a different form of leadership, one that is held accountable, insures fairness of representation, as well as operational transparency.
Equally, for change to occur, there has to be a complete reversal of the role of government. It must change from one that is self-serving to one that is service oriented. As such, women have a big role to play in the establishment of these new values. Their participation at every level of government can only bring balance to a society that has suffered for years from extreme male stereotyping and the valorization of violence as a solution to political divergence.
Today, in this world of polarizing conflicts, of raging extremism, moderation is the key, understanding, listening and hearing each other are the best weapons we can deploy to counteract the widening schisms between people and creeds.
This is by no means declaring that women are not strong and capable of military leadership. “Women in Governance” does not imply that women are relegated to women’s issues. It means that women should have equal access to making all relevant decisions including security; the military, foreign affairs, the economy, industry and all the sectors normally viewed as male bastions.
In the coming ages, as long as religious extremists do not succeed in castigating them out, women will be the guiding lights of a new way of operating in the world, based on cooperation not domination, on sharing not hoarding, on giving and not taking.
It is indeed women like you who are setting the trend for this new revolution in leadership and by your presence and your excellence in your fields you are actively and daily shifting the prevalent consciousness that limits women and their access to leadership.
I am truly honored and privileged to be part of this exchange as I consider women’s issues to be at the core of the creation of a fair and just society and I encourage you in all your discussion, high level meetings, official appearances in Lebanon with the Leban
Ou sont les femmes ? Where are the women?
Only by asking this question, will we raise the prevalent consciousness surrounding women in power and thereby change the problem from a different place of awareness.
I have distributed a copy of our political project for review. Under each section there is a summary of recommendations, which are simple steps to address the major problems confronting the government of this nation. In addition, I would also be very open to talking about the present ramifications concerning the recent political stirrings both nationally and regionally and I welcome your questions.
Thank you all Tracy Chamoun
Residence of the Embassy of Spain
November 30, 2015
The Annual Celebration of the Palestinian National Day
By Marcelle Mansour
A Genuine Warm Cheers for the Celebration on the Palestinian National Day annual function, organised as usual by Mr Albert Jubian, President of the Council of Australian Palestinians, held at the Parliament of NSW, Jubilee Room on Wednesday, 11 November 2015. In the Presence of the Senator the Hon Bob Carr, former Premier of New South Wales and former Australian foreign minister (Labor NSW), H. E. Mr Izzat Abdul Hadi-Head of the General Delegation of Palestine to Australia, the Hon John Ajaka MLC MP - Representing Mr Mike Bird, MP, the Premier of New South Wales, the Mr Luke Foley MP-the Leader of the Labour Party in NSW, Mr Jihad DIB MP-Member of the Lgislative Assembly/ Member of Lakemba, Ms Julia Finn MP- Member of the Legislative assembly/ Member for Granville, Prominent political, diplomatic and academic, Media Journalists, various community leaders and public officials as well as a crowd of the Palestinian community members.
The ceremony started by playing the two national anthems of Australia and Palestine. The Hon. Peter Thomas Primrose introduced all the speakers.
The Hon John Ajaka MP spoke a word on behalf of the Premier Mike Bird MP and said that multicultural Australia has 220 ethnic origins who speak 225 languages. Around 1 in 5 Australians were either born overseas or have at least one parent born overseas. Communities are embracing our diversity and differences to be able to unite, to live in harmony and to build a mutual respect to be able to develop communities of shared values. The Minister Akaka mentioned that he himself is of Lebanese descent and he strongly support the common goal of achieving an independent free Palestine and encourage the two-state solution.
The Hon Luke Foley MP mentioned Edel McKenna, his Irish-born wife whom he married in 2005. As they making trips back and forth to her farming family in County Tyrone, he saw her neighbour raising the Palestinian Flag for several times. He certainly knows how important to be committed to solidarity and supportive to freedom and justice. The MP Foley declared that he issued orders to Labour MPs to visit the occupied Palestinian territories if they need to visit Israel, stressing that the Palestinian people are suffering from injustice at the hands of the Israeli occupation that kills Palestinians including young children.
Former Australian Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs, Senator the Hon Bob Carr, who has regularly been attending the Palestinian National Day commemoration for decade’s remains very supportive to the Palestinian cause, and concerned by the failure of negotiations and finding solution and recognising the Palestinian rights. Carr stated that Israel's occupation of Palestinian territory in the West Bank and Gaza Strip that has lasted for 48 years and the peace process for more than 22 years. On May 15, during the Nakba, Zionist forces exiled 750,000 Palestinians from their homes, committed 31 slaughters, and destroyed 531 Palestinian towns. Carr has made it clear that he is completely against the Israeli policies of apartheid, ethnic cleansing and illegal settlement. The reality of the situation now is that 500,000 settlers will never depart, rather Israel aims to achieve their goal of greater Israel and Israelis are opposing a Palestinian State solution. Carr, the patron of Plaestine, noted the inevitability of Palestinian resistance.
The Ambassador Izzat Abdulhadi made an extensive speech in which he thanked the audience in celebrating the Palestinian National Day, and stated that Palestinians mark their National Day on November 15, the anniversary of the Palestinians' unilateral declaration of independence proclaimed by Yasser Arafat in 1988 where he reaffirmed the declaration of independence of the State of Palestine with Jerusalem as its capital, the right of the refugees to return and the right of self-determination. Today marks the 11th anniversary of the passage of the immortal Palestininan leader Yasser Arafat passed away on the 11thof November 2004 and today, the 11th of November 2015 also marks the Remembrance Day National Ceremony of the Australian War Memorial.” We are paying tribute to the selfless struggle of all. The Ambassador Abdulhadi spoke about the persistent struggle of Palestinian people for freedom and justice despite the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories, their ongoing demolishing Palestinian house and expansion of existing illegal settlements, their violent attack on Gaza and Jerusalem and Netanyahu keeps hindering peace process. There are formal agreements between the Australian government and the Palestinian Authority; in particular the Labour Party has issued a decision to recognize a Palestinian state, hoping that Australia will join the 140 nations who have already recognized Palestine as a state whom Palestinians feel grateful to their support. The Ambassador Abdulhadi highlighted the ability of the Palestinian commitment to tirelessly working towards the support of Palestininan statehood during the current difficult times and to be determent and hopeful in the future.
The distinguished speakers, who always do their best efforts to focus on the Palestininan human rights and freedom, delivered significant speeches. They shared their views, experiences, analysis and hopes to the Palestininan cause.
The event ended with gathering for a drink, socializing and networking.
Lebanon's New President Will be Appointed By the Iranian Occupier/ Elias Bejjani
Sadly, and unfortunately, our beloved Lebanon and up till today is merely an Iranian occupied and oppressed country by all means and in accordance to all global standards.
In this occupational and oppressive context, and despite all the on going presidential derailing day dreaming and delusional media rhetoric chaos, confusion and false debates that we are encountering, the Iranian occupier through its denominational, criminal and terrorist Army, Hezbollah, will appoint the new Lebanese Maronite Christian President no matter what are our stances or wishes.
In reality, and according to the current occupational status quo, the Iranian Lebanese appointed president will be totally a puppet and will be entrusted not to serve the Lebanese people, Lebanon's interests, or safeguard the Lebanese constitution, but to blindly serve the Iranian occupation, and its Mullahs' colonial expansional, denominational, terrorist agendas and schemes against both Lebanon and all the regional countries..
This appointed president no matter who is he, will actually be a Trojan no more, no less and his name will make no difference at all.
Our last three presidents, Elias Hrawi, Emile Lahoud and Michael Suleiman were all appointed by the Syrian occupier, and not elected or chosen by the Lebanese, and this same humiliating and devastating scenario will keep on replicating itself as long as our beloved Lebanon remains occupied and UN Resolutions 1559 and 1701 are not implemented.
It is worth mentioning that in 2005 the Syrian occupation was over, but since than this occupation was replaced by an Iranian one through Hezbollah Army, with the evil help of a punch of Lebanese mercenary political parties and politicians like Micheal Aoun, Suleiman Frangea, Walid Jumblat, Nabih Berri, and many others including prominent clergymen among them our derailed Maronite Patriarch, Bchara Al Raei.
In summary, Lebanon is still an occupied country by all means and standards, and the occupier is the Iranian Mullahs' dictatorship regime through it Hezbollah terrorist army.
The new Iranian chosen Lebanese president might be Suleiman Frangea, Michael Aoun, John Khawagi, John Obeyed, or any one else that is cut from the same mercenary garment, while politically, enslaved and castrated.
Accordingly, all the Lebanese efforts and on levels and all domains needs to be focusing on ending the Iranian occupation which is the main cancerous and devastating problem, and not to naively and stupidly be totally pre-occupied with the symptoms of this occupational cancer and keeping a blind eve on the disease it self.
In the realm of Lebanon's Iranian occupation we, the sovereign and free will Lebanese citizens from all sects and walks of life be in Lebanon or Diaspora are ought not to be fooled by the blinding evil manoeuvres of the current rotten politicians in both 8th or 14th of March coalitions due to the fact that the majority of them are puppets, merchants, cowards, opportunists, hypocrites and their priorities are to serve their own interests, riches, personal gains and not the country and its citizens.
In conclusion, with the current status quo, and as long as Lebanon is occupied by the Iranian Mullahs regime and its army, Hezbollah controls the country and oppresses its people, the Iranian Lebanese appointed president will make no difference no matter who is he.
*Elias Bejjani
domestic violence white Ribbon day speech 25 -11 -15
By The Hon. Shaoquett Moselmane MLC.
I acknowledge my parliamentary colleagues Victor Dominello, and former members the Hon Jim Longley and a dear friend the Hon Marie Ficarra as well as the many local government colleagues.
Most importantly, I acknowledge each and every one of you who has come not only to give generously but for Standing up, for speaking out and for being proactive in preventing violence against women.
One should not shy away from describing Domestic violence for what it is. It is no less than household terror.
For thousands of Australian women who are regularly assaulted, it is a life of continuous terror.
Worse still, as Commissioner Scipione says, this year alone in NSW, 27 women have died as a result of domestic violence.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is not only horrifying but an unacceptable statistic.
The question Scipioni asks: Where will it end?"
Well the answer is that it unfortunately won’t end, until we as a society collectively end it.
Education, advocacy and public awareness is crucial to ending the violence.
Tackling domestic violence should be a top priority for all of us and it must be addressed in a way that engages and brings the whole community with us.
Everybody deserves to feel safe and secure in their own home and those who commit domestic violence must be held to account for their actions.
Domestic violence does not discriminate and it impacts on all parts of our multicultural society.
As we all know, it is often hidden, and victims, for fear for their safety and that of their children, do not speak out.
It is therefore imperative that we speak out and change attitudes and educate people about this heinous crime that ravages all communities, regardless of socio-economic backgrounds.
Tonight, you will hear from three outstanding gentlemen, Newcastle Knight's, Clint Newton, Australian representative and Cronulla Shark, Luke Lewis, and Penrith Panther's, Josh Mansour, who are football leaders on the field and leaders off the field in their campaign to stop violence against women.
White Ribbon has played an integral role in raising community awareness on this issue and it is changing attitudes.
But what make white Ribbon a successful Organisation are those men and women who carry the flag ….. And in this instance here tonight it’s Vince De Luca.
By way of recognition and encouragement people like Vince, I would like him to come up to present him with this certificate of recognition for his commitment to fighting violence against women.
Maronite Ladies of the Gospel - Lunch in support of the Formation of the Seminarians in the Eparchy
Terrorism, the Anti Islam Narrative and the Law
I speak on this very important motion. First of all I express my sympathies to the Cheng family. The sad loss of an innocent life taken by a 15-year-old child was a shocking act condemned by all decent-thinking human beings. I take this opportunity to also express my sincerest condolences to the families of all those whose innocent lives were taken by a heinous act of terror carried out by ISIS in the French capital. The terror attacks which targeted the Bataclan concert venue and the Stade de France football stadium, along with cafes and restaurants, left 129 people dead and many more injured.
Similar horrors were executed in other countries around the globe: Turkey, Kuwait, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Nigeria, Kenya, many of the African States, China, and many others we do not hear of—attacks committed by ISIS, al-Nusra and the many sister terrorist groups in Syria and in Iraq—al-Qaeda, Boko Haram and many others too numerous to mention. They should all be condemned. No-one should play to their tunes for foreign policy interests. I offer condolences to the Russians and the families of the 240 innocent victims holidaying at Sharm el-Sheikh in Egypt and to those of Christian faith and other people of faith in the Middle East, including the Palestinian people, who have suffered 70 years of oppression.
Terrorism has not, does not and will not discriminate between Muslim and non-Muslim, between Arab and non-Arab, between poor and rich or between young and old. It has impacted on Muslims of all colours, Christians of all denominations, Yazidis, Kurds, Copts and any other minority that exists in the Middle East. Unfortunately, the picture we get in Australia of what is happening in the Middle East is a distorted keyhole view of the world as dictated by those in power and narrated by those entrusted with producing the agenda.
Those in positions of dominance construct knowledge and manufacture truths, stereotyping and categorising people. Manufacturing assumptions about violence due to Muslims as innate barbarism and tribalism is wrong and should not be perpetuated. Such representations become language, institutionalised and normalised, reproducing a narrative about the other, in this case the Muslims, as barbaric. That is how certain structures of knowledge become the dominant norm and that is why in Australia and around the world Muslims are depicted as a security threat, a threat to public safety, a cultural threat or an economic threat.
This skewed view of Islam legitimises public hate campaigns and thus lays the ground for further vilification and hatred of Muslims in Australia. It legitimises the nasty, trashy, vitriolic, hate-based attacks that we often witness in public and sometimes here in this House. The Islamic community, like any other community, is made up of people who go on with their daily lives like any other citizen. They work, they earn a living, they raise their kids and they contribute to the overall good of society. They have no more power or authority over criminals—in this instance, terrorists—than any other citizen. They do not sit in the wee hours of the night plotting the destruction of the State. Therefore people should not blame the Islamic community for what is currently unfolding. Muslim Australians deplore ISIS, condemn their attacks and are angry that they commit such horrific acts of violence in the name of Islam.
We have faith in the Australian Federal Police Specialist Response Group, the Australian Federal Police Protective Service, the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service, the Royal Australian Corps of Military Police and the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation. The Counter Terrorism and Special Tactics Command is responsible for the NSW Police Force's preparedness for, prevention of and response to the threat of terrorism in New South Wales. There is also the Coordinated Response Group, the Anti Terrorism and Security Group, the Operations Group, the State Protection Group and other groups within New South Wales police including the Middle East crime squad and many others. We have many security institutions and agencies that can keep us safe. Having said that, I believe everyone has a role to play—and that means everyone.
Finally I take this opportunity to raise a very important issue for all to note. The State Government will reportedly overhaul hate speech laws. Attorney General Upton says, "The laws just don't work." And I agree. The Attorney is right. They do not work, particularly for the Muslim community in Australia. One of the reasons is that neither the New South Wales anti-discrimination law nor the Commonwealth racial vilification laws provide the Muslim community with necessary protections. It is time we fixed that. This is why in New South Wales we must immediately stop such attacks on this community and we must amend the New South Wales Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 to include religion as a ground of discrimination. With the exception of one or two States, all other State and Territory laws have religion, religious activity, belief, affiliation or religious conviction as a ground for unlawful discrimination. The Government needs to address this deficiency and ensure the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 provides proper protection to all religions, including Islam.
This Act ought to be looked at. In Victoria, for example, religious vilification is treated in similar terms to racism. The Human Rights Commission's recent report finds that Muslims have "limited protection" under the Racial Discrimination Act. This report has found that Muslim Australians are facing persistent abuse and discrimination. That ought to be addressed. Once again I congratulate the mover of the motion, the Hon. John Ajaka, and the Government on this motion. I mourn all the innocent lives lost and I condemn all responsible for the loss of innocent life. I commend the motion to the house.
An Afternoon with George Gittoes At the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies
By Marcelle Mansour
On Thursday 12th November 2015, I was fortunate to be invited by the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies (CPACS) to attend the event of “An Afternoon with George Gittoes”, which was held at the CPACS Centre at the University of Sydney.
George Gittoes AM is a distinguished Australian and International Visual Artist of War and Peace, Photojournalist and Film Maker, who has been awarded the 2015 Sydney Peace Prize on Tuesday 10 November at Sydney Town Hall. “Australia’s only international peace award, “for exposing injustice for more than 45 years as a humanist artist, activist and filmmaker; for his courage to witness and confront violence in the war zones of the world; for enlisting the arts to subdue aggression and for enlivening the creative spirit to promote tolerance, respect and peace with justice.” The 2015 Sydney Peace Prize Jury’s citation stated. “The Jury felt his unique approach to peace building and social justice should be recognised and applauded.”
The Master of Ceremony was performed by Mr Mujib Obid. George Gittoes gave an interesting talk about his journey as the war and peace artist. He started his talk holding his Angel of Peace puppet, and then he spoke about the conception and the significance of his art and the conflict with brutality that has shaped his work. Particularly in Jalalabad, in eastern Afghanistan where Gittoes has survived war, death threats and a pet monkey where he has established the Yellow House Jalalabad (YHJ).
George Gittoes: “Art proved that creative people create things rather than destroy stuff. So all my life I've been going to war zones. I saw the destruction of Baghdad, I've seen the destruction of Gaza and all this destruction through war and for me it's been enough just to create in the face of it, to be making stuff.”
George’s speech was followed by Q & A with the help of his partner, Helen Rose, a talented singer and actress from Sydney, who shared George answering some of Q & A dialogue with the audience.
In my turn, I made a short spontaneous unwritten speech and a poem about my experience of special friendship with the artist George Gittoes over the years, and the following is graphically what I said:
“Good afternoon everyone: I feel privileged to day that I am invited to meet the great Artist George Gittoes together with his partner the amazing Vocalist and Performer Artist Helen Rose. I would like to thank the Committee Members of (CPACS): Dr Wendy Lambourne-Deputy Director and Post Graduate Research, Dr Ken Macnab-President Council, Juliet Bennett-Executive Officer, Katie Pokorney-Acting Executive Officer; for providing me with this wonderful opportunity.
I have known the amazing Artist George Gittoes since the late 1980s and early1990s when I was a regular contributor to the An-Nahar Australian Arabic newspaper as a journalist and a weekly communist. When I came across his name in the English newspaper, I visited his art exhibition where I first met him and I wrote about him and introduced his arts to the Arabic speaking communities. I still remember his incredible art exhibition titled “The Realism of Peace“at S. H. Ervin Museum and Art Gallery in 1996 where I accompanied a group of Australian Lebanese and Palestininan community members to view his artworks and to listen to his marvellous talk, where we realized that Gittoes witnessed war conflicts and destructions in Rwanda, Somalia, Cambodia, Bosnia, Congo, Yemen, Lebanon, Gaza/ Palestine and other countries.
At that time we both displayed in a group exhibition at Barry Stern Gallery, Paddington. Then I invited the Artist George Gittoes to the Australian Palestinian Club where he commended my community artworks of the Past, Present and Future triptych that depicts the story of the Palestinian cause, 48 Nakba and Diaspora. In1998 I had a nicely written article about my work, titled “Paintings from the Heart”, by the Art Historian and Critic G. Dalton, in my book of Shifting Waves p5. In 2002 George Gittoes headed to Gaza my birthplace where he was embraced by my relatives who coincidently were the point of connection.”
Then I said: “George Gittoes is totally a complete hero, he was exposed to death and threats all his life. I know for sure that he has a strong faith, where he always creates artistic Guardian Angel moppets; and there is no doubt that God amazingly protect him from all harms.”
Last year I attended George Gittoes Art Exhibition of ‘Vincent and the Snow Monkey’ and his book launch titled ‘George Gittoes I Witness’ on 31 Jul 2014 at the Art Equity Gallery where he signed for me his unforgettable words “Peace and Freedom for Palestine”.
The Palestinians are still living under the horror and terror of the Israeli occupation for 67 years and the peace process’ failure is persisting for 21 years with only bloodshed and hatred from both sides which offer no logical resolution in ending the occupation and war or making peace with justice. The United Nations designated 2014 to be the ‘International Year of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.’ 193-nation body had expressed the hope that, by now, the State of Palestine would be a sovereign and independent Member State of the UN. The majority of the world is on the side of justice with Palestinians, but not "power of veto" nations. Israeli Ministers are totally and permanently against a Palestinian State. This rejection does not count as ‘Justice’ or “Human Rights’. I had my ‘Threshold’ art exhibition and seminar of light and perception last week at the Parliament of NSW, and I explained how we creative artists highlight the notions of humanity, freedom, peace and justice in our work so that we may laid the foundation for modern critical political thought by working on changing the mentality of politicians who lead the world nations so that they may cross the threshold of transformation towards recreating the reality of our world.
Therefore, George Gittoes’ words are just perfect of what we want to happen: “Peace and Freedom for Palestine.” Today I would like to congratulate the artist George Gittoes on receiving the 2015 Sydney Peace Prize and to present him with the portrait I have painted of him that is accompanied with my poem. This is my tribute to the amazing artist George Gittoes.” as follows:
A Cry Out for
“Peace and Freedom for Palestine”
These unforgettable glorious words
Are so precious and worthy to be voiced
To be heard by all the leaders of the world
What the Australian Artist George Gittoes wrote
When he signed his book for me with his heart of gold
‘George Gittoes I Witness
The extraordinary Artist of Peace and Anti-War
Who documented the history and revealed the truth
Wishing Peace and Freedom for Palestine and All
Marcelle Mansour, Thursday 12 November, 2015
At the end I spontaneously pulled a ‘Kofeyye’ Palestinian scarf out of my handbag and proudly put it on around George’s neck, reading what it says: ‘Return to Jerusalem.’ Coincidently my tiny hair brush hooked with the scarf and George humorously asked me to comb the knots on his hair which I pretend doing it. George Gittoes certainly has a great sense of humor that makes him survives the brutality of war he witnesses around the world. George said he will be hopefully heading to Palestine very soon.
The event ended with gathering for refreshments and drink, socializing and networking. It was a good afternoon with a wonderful insight into an amazing creative world of peace.
Dear Mr Raad,
Re: Terrorist attack in Beirut, Lebanon. When the terrible news of the series of co-ordinated terrorist attacks in Paris on 13th Friday came to us we were simply stunned and shocked. We were equally stunned and shocked when we also learned of the terrorist attacks in Bourj Al Baraajineh in South Beirut on Thursday 12 November, which unfortunately received less publicity.
We strongly condemn the callousness of the perpetrators as they murdered at least 41 innocent people and wounded many, many more. We join in spirit with the Lebanese Prime Minister Tammam Salam in calling for unity in the face of attempts to create strife in Lebanon. On behalf of the Multicultural Communities Council of NSW, representing Australians of all diverse backgrounds, we wish to convey our sincere condolences to the families of the victims who died needlessly at the hands of those terrorists. We also hope and pray for those wounded to quickly recover, and for those suffering life-threatening injuries to soon move from a critical to a stable condition.
Although Lebanon and Australia are far apart geographically but we share the grief of the families of the victims and the plight of the Lebanese people and in particular the Australian Lebanese Community and our thoughts go out to them on their national day of mourning Please convey our message to the Lebanese Government and to the members of the Lebanese Community in Australia.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Anthony Pun, OAM
The 2015 Multicultural and Indigenous Media Awards
Multicultural and Indigenous Media celebrated at NSW Parliament House
The 4th annual Multicultural and Indigenous Media Awards (MIMA) dinner presentation were held last Wednesday night at NSW Parliament House. Representatives from Multicultural and Indigenous media outlets, Members of Parliament and community representatives joined together to recognise and celebrate the achievements of multicultural and Indigenous media.
“Tonight - is all about the journalists in our communities who are at the frontline of multiculturalism and Indigenous Australia. This is but a small tribute to all the tireless work that you do.” The Hon. Shaoquett Moselmane, Chairperson of the Awards, said.
“For me, the idea of having a MIMA was simple, but long overdue. Multicultural and Indigenous media had never been celebrated in a specific event acknowledging their achievements and in particular the many talented migrant and Indigenous Journalists who have been serving their communities through multicultural media yet go unrecognised” said the Chair of MMA, the Hon Shaoquett Moselmane MLC.
The Multicultural & Indigenous Media Awards are intended to recognise excellence among journalists, photographers, editors and publishers as well as to encourage and recognise their significant service to Multicultural and Indigenous Australia.
Australia’s ethnic media has come a long way. From the foreign language press, as it was called, viewed with suspicion, as a hindrance to assimilation, to an important voice serving multicultural Australia.
Similarly, Indigenous-specific media has made significant strides in promoting community issues and putting community agenda on the national platform. From its grassroots origins Indigenous Media is staking a hold in the mainstream while retaining its authenticity and Indigenous political discourse.
This empowerment of Indigenous people through Indigenous specific media is engaging the highest public institutions in our nation, and has highlighted Indigenous issues long untold.
The Award Winners were:
News Reporting Award was won by Mr Pawan Luthra of Indian Link Media Group.
Online News Coverage was won by Mr Shant Soghomonian of Armenian Media Incorporated. Indian Link Media Group continued their successful evening taking out the award for Photographer of the Year, to Mr Sachin Wakhare.
Miss Margherita Angelucci of Il Globo/La Fiamma won the award for Editorial Reporting, and this award was accepted on her behalf by La Fiamma Chief Editor Armando Tornari. Ms Violi Calvert of the Filipino Australian was humbled by her victory in the category of Coverage of Community Affairs.
The Encouragement Award was presented to 13 year old Miss Natalie Sukkarieh, who impressed the gathering with a speech stating how she loves investigative journalism and to bring the truth to light.
The Hall of Fame Award had two recipients this year, first to Editor in Chief of the An-Nahar Arabic newspaper, Mr Anwar Harb AM, for bringing news and analysis to the Lebanese and Arabic-speaking communities since 1978.
The second hall of fame Award went to Chief Executive Officer of the Sing Tao Daily Mr Simon Ko, who has been in the media business and at the helm of Sing Tao for 17 years bringing local, international news to the Chinese Australian community.
The Young Journalist of the Year was won by the Indian Telegraph’s Arijit Banarjee and the most prestigious award of the night, Journalist of the Year award was won by Ms Natalie Ahmat of NITV News, who dedicated her award to her small but hard working team of colleagues.
Category Winner Media Organisation
Coverage of Community Affairs Ms Violi Calvert The Filipino Australian
Editorial Reporting Miss Margherita Angelucci Il Globo/La Fiamma
Encouragement Award Natalie Sukkarieh the World observer
Hall of Fame Award Anwar Harb AM An-Nahar Newspaper
Hall of Fame Award Simon Ko Sing Tao Daily
Journalist of the Year Ms Natalie Ahmat NITV News
News Reporting Mr Pawan Luthra Indian Link Media Group
Online News Coverage Mr Shant Soghomonian Armenian Media Inc
Photographer of the Year Mr Sachin Wakhare Indian Link Media Group
Young Journalist of the Year Mr Arijit Banarjee The Indian Telegraph
For media comment please contact:
Kenrick Cheah, 92302526
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