The keys of the Heavens.. Waheeb Nadeem Wahbah: The dramatization of the Arabic poem, Cairo: In Arabic and English
The moment of creation - It is the moment of absolute unity with heaven - when the Great and Almighty commands, the earth at once obeys.
So, how will the creation be when the Will of heaven and the Might of the destiny wanted the Saviour of mankind to be born out from the womb of purity to this East, ... In order to pure mankind from sins and to be the Gospel to the people of the earth (I preach to you with great joy).
To proceed:
Between 2012 - when the keys of the Heavens received the Metropolitan Nicolas Naaman Award for Human Virtues from the Naji Naaman Foundation for Culture – Lebanon.
And between and 2020, the sixth edition of this purposeful creativity was published in Arabic and English, with a deep-rooted message that descended from heaven and penetrated deeply into the earth.
"The Keys to the Heavens"
In Arabic and English with this forthcoming edition, In Arabic and English, from Cairo - Egypt, the publishing Dar "Al-Adham" proves that the geography of creativity, between Carmel and Haifa and between Beirut and Cairo may be the same place.
"The Keys to the Heavens"
"The journey of our Lord Christ from the land of Canaan to the" land of the Kinanah (Egypt),, and the return to spread the message of God, justice and love.
• Important references:
• - The Introduction is written by the writer Nayef Fayez Khoury.
• - The endorsement is written by the poet Dr. Fahad Abu Khadra.
• - The Keys of the Heavens: Awarded the Metropolitan Nicolas Naaman Award for Human Virtues - Beirut, Lebanon.
- A Master's thesis was presented on the keys of heavens under the title: "The semantics and religious terms of the keys of the Heaven" to the professor - Wabal daher - Ornim College - Department of High Graduate Studies – 2017.
- The Critic Dr. Mohammed Khalil wrote a refereed study on "the Keys to the Heavens and the Complete Quartet ", published in the websites, in his critical book "Mirrors - in Literature and Culture - 2018'', and in his book for academic researches issued in English - titled "The Aesthetics of Discourse in Modern Arabic Literature" ,Published by Austin Mc Willie in the British capital, London – 2019.
- Dr. Fahd Abu Khadra (The Poet) wrote a refereed study on "the Keys to the Heavens and the Entire Quartet " published in the sites.
- Dozens of articles and critical reviews were published about the Keys to the Heavens - we remember some of them with the preservation of titles:
Amaal Awaad Radwan - Suad Qarman - Fatima Diab - George Grace Farah – Nadir Shemaly - Mazin Al-Kprdy – Samaher Al-Nagar – Nadia Saleh –Dr. Rogeh Tavor - Rushdie Al Madi - Fahim Abu Rukan - Dr. Munir Touma - Grace Gebran Khoury – The Word of Dar Naji Naaman, Lebanon - Marilyn Saadeh, Lebanon - Hatem al-Shehri, Saudi Arabia, wrote about the Entire Quartet titled "The International Book".
• "The Keys to the Heavens"
- Issued in Arabic in Beirut, first edition in 2012 and won the Metropolitan Nicolas Naaman Award for Human Virtues. The second edition was published by the Literary Magazine of Dar mawaqif (2012). A third edition in the Entire Quartet "The sea and the desert", the dramatization of the Arabic poem – 2013. A fourth edition was published in Al-Ahram Canada -2016 . A fifth edition through the Audible Book – Al Manara World - library -2016- A sixth edition from Dar Al-Adham, Cairo, Egypt, the of 2020 in Arabic and with translation in English by the Egyptian translator and poet Hassan Hegazy Hassan.
Photos and video of Dr Najeeb (Nick) Kaldas, the Former NSW Deputy Police Commissioner, a proud Australian of Coptic Egyptian background.
Dr Naguib (Nick) Kaldas, the holder of the highest political position for an Egyptian born in Australia, is one of the most prominent Egyptian immigrant personalities on the Australian continent who has achieved many successes and accomplishments during his work with the Australian police over a period of 35 years specializing in combating criminal activities with the aim of achieving justice.
Over the last ten years, Dr Kaldas was commissioned by the United Nations Anti-Corruption Service to head the anti -terrorism investigation team of the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik El-Hariri. He had a lead role in the reorganization of the Iraqi Police Force after the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime. Dr Kaldas led the United Nations task force in the investigation of the detection of chemical weapons in Syria from 2016 to 2018. He was recently appointed to lead the investigation into the killing of fifty-one people in a terrorist attack in New Zealand's mosques. Dr Najeeb Kaldas received many medals and was honoured by many heads of state in recognition of his many achievements and last September, he has received an honorary doctorate from the Western Sydney University. Dr Nick Kaldas is currently working with the Crown Resorts Organization to combat corruption and money laundering activities in Australia.
In his latest interview with Dr Effat Shehata in his show “Luminous Characters” on Aghapy Australia, Dr. Kaldas, the pride of the Egyptian Australian community, has expressed the extent of his honour and love for his native country, his Egyptian roots and his Coptic Church. He also said that he is willing to offer his experience and services to the Egyptian authorities in many fields related to security, terrorism, corruption and other matters if requested to. Dr Kaldas also spoke about his most precious memories since his immigration to Australia in 1969 at the age of twelve with his family, the challenges of the new Australian life he faced and his success story. Dr. Kaldas stated that he is more than happy to extend a helping hand and assist all Egyptians and members of other communities who wish to join the police force, particularly the young people of the third and fourth generations.
Divine Elevations
By: Amal Awad Radwan-(Palestine)
Translated by: Fathia Asfour
Palestinian poet & tranlator
Divine Elevations
*The ghost of my tear mumbles
on a barren woman's breast....
rolls me in the moans of a cloud that sheds you in a pond,
wide open for remembrance
* Out of my death crypts ..
my pain flows ether of hopes...
and your snowy fires
get my shirts perfumed with your features...
those overfilled with rain
*Velvet the pupil of your bitterness
Slender are the hurricanes of its dominion
How it drew me close to a fragment
of your subsistence
in the sessions of hungry ascetics !!
And how it drew me far away
through your divine elevations !!
* So why thrusting my fingertips...
those raining candles..
in the caves of dust and harshness?
* By the charm of your voice..
that which illuminates me!..
the bow of my loyalty strummed me
not but on hugging strings
How the breaths of its violin warbled as well !
O you , the daughter of the runnels!
Scoop me up an aromatic tale
looking for its face in your mirror !
Shear not the pearl of my pulsing...
For the rhythm of my rainclouds
had not gargled but in your heart ...
and the evenings of my luster
could not have been perfect
without your bright rainfall
تَحْلِيقَاتٌ سَمَاوِيَّةٌ! / آمال عوّاد رضوان
شَبَحُ دَمْعَتِي.. غَمْغَمَ عَلَى ثدْيِ عَاقِرٍ
مَرَّغَنِي.. بِزَفَرَاتِ غَيْمَةٍ تَذْرِفُكِ
فِي بِرْكَةٍ مُشَرَّعَةٍ لِلذِّكْرَى!
مِنْ سَرَادِيبِ مَمَاتِي انْسَابَ أَلَمِي
أَثِيرَ آمَالٍ
وَنِيرَانُكِ الثَّلْجِيَّةُ
تُعَطِّرُ قمْصَانِي
بِمَلاَمِحِكِ الْمُتْخَمَةِ بِالْمَطَرِ!
مُخْمَلِيٌّ بُؤْبُؤُ مُرِّكِ
مَمْشُوقَةٌ أَعَاصِيرُ سُلْطَانِهِ
كَمْ أَدْنَانِي مِنْ كِسْرَةِ كَفَافِكِ
فِي حَلَقَاتِ جَوْعَى
وَكَمْ أَقْصَانِي عَنْ رَقْصَةِ مَائِكِ
فِي تَحْلِيقَاتِكِ السَّمَاوِيَّة!
لِمَ أَدُسُّ أَنَامِلِي الْمَاطِرَةَ شُمُوعًا
فِي كُهُوفِ الْهَبَاءِ وَالْجَفَاءِ؟
وَحَقّ سِحْرِ صَوْتِكِ
الْـ يُضِيئُنِي!
أَنَا مَا عَزَفَنِي قَوْسُ وَفَائِي
إِلّا عَلَى أَوْتَارِ عِنَاقٍ
كَمْ صَدَحَتْ أَنْفَاسُ كَمَانِهِ كَمَان!
يَا ابْنَةَ السَّوَاقِي
اُغْرفِينِي حِكَايَةً عِطْرِيَّةً
تَبْحَثُ عَنْ وَجْهِهَا فِي مِرْآتِكِ
لاَ تَجُزّي لُؤْلُؤَ نَبْضِي
فَمَا تَغَرْغَرَ إِيقَاعُ مُزْنِي إِلّا بِقَلْبِكِ
وَمَا اكْتَمَلَتْ مَسَاءَاتُ بَرِيقِي
إِلاَّ بِهُطُولِكِ الْمُشْرِق!
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