Middle East peace process – draft resolution

Proud we have adopted this motion moved by Former Premier, former foreign Minister bob Carr at NSW
State Conference yesterday afternoon.
I am proud NSW Labor has shifted position and moved with decency supporting justice for people .
It was a tough fight and I know so. All credit hoes to NSW State Labor leadership for the success of this motion on the conference floor.
Australia moving forward for a just solution for justice for palestine.
Shaoquett Moselmane
Middle East peace process – draft resolution
Deploring the tragic conflict in Gaza, Conference supports an end to rocket attacks by Hamas and an end to Israeli incursions, which have led to the deaths of innocent civilians. 
ALP Conference applauds the last Labor government for its commitment to a two-state solution in the Middle East and specifically:
voting to enhance Palestinian status in the General Assembly;
restating the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, is occupied territory;
opposing Israeli settlements on occupied Palestinian land; and
joining the world community in branding settlements illegal under international law. 
NSW Labor recognises a Middle East peace will only be won with the establishment of a Palestinian state. 
The state of Palestine should be based on 1967 borders with agreed land swaps and with security guarantees for itself and Israel. 
NSW Labor welcomes the decision of the Palestinian Authority to commit to a demilitarised Palestine with the presence of international peacekeepers, including US forces. 
If, however, there is no progress to a two state solution, and Israel continues to build and expand settlements, a future Labor Government will consult likeminded nations towards recognition of the Palestinian state.



  1. Dear the Hon. Shaoquett Moselmane MP and the Hon. Bob Carr MP,
    Thank you for your tireless work and great efforts on the resolution to recognise Palestine as the NSW Labor Party Policy platform. I congratulate you on your successful work ...Palestinians are extremely indebted to you for your admirable efforts and your strong belief in the rights of the Palestinian cause. Thank you heartily for keeping up the historical great work.
    Marcelle Mansour

  2. Dear the Hon. Shaoquett Moselmane MP and the Hon. Bob Carr MP,
    Thank you for your tireless work and great efforts on the resolution to recognise Palestine as the NSW Labor Party Policy platform. I congratulate you on your successful work ...Palestinians are extremely indebted to you for your admirable efforts and your strong belief in the rights of the Palestinian cause. Thank you heartily for keeping up the historical great work.
    Marcelle Mansour
