Introduction of Motion in Parliament on the appointment Father Tarabay as the Fourth Maronite Bishop of Australia

Mr Shaoquett Moselmane says—
I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move:
1. That this House notes that:(a) His Holiness Pope Francis recently announced the appointment of Father Antoine Tarabay as the fourth Maronite Bishop of Australia;
(b) Father Tarabay, born in Northern Lebanon, was until now the Father Superior of the Lebanese Maronite Order in Australia, Rector of St Charbel’s Monastery and College and Parish Priest of St Charbel’s Parish;
(c) Father Tarabay will be Australia’s second youngest Bishop.
2. That this House acknowledge the contributions, commitment and service of Father Tarabay’s predecessor, Bishop Ad Abi Karam;
3. That this House congratulate Father Tarabay and the more than 30,000 Australian Maronite’s.



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