As his educating and clear crystal superb interview with the LBC TV shows, this Lebanese Sunni MP, Jamal Al Jarah proved without a
Thomas, Walter and Raymond's land-bound Ark certainly has dimensions on a Biblical scale, measuring a massive 450ft long and 75ft wide.
The tourists go in two-by-two: The Noah's Ark Theme Park , complete with fiberglass animals,
sits in front of the Tsing Ma Bridge in Hong Kong
Biblical scale: The Ark in Hong Kong measures 450ft long and 75ft wide
Water sight: The Ark also boasts less authentic Biblical touches such as double-glazed windows
and a fine dining restaurant.
CHECK THE RAINBOW! It is as if God is saying "THANK YOU"!
And the imaginative trio even attempted to give the giant boat an air of authenticity by placing 67 pairs of animals at the entrance, just like the pairs of creatures saved from the Great Flood by Noah in the Bible tale.
The creationist-inspired vessel forms part of a theme park near Hong Kong which was inspired by a young girl's scrawled drawing of the mammoth boat.
Architects appear to have used some artistic licence in parts of the Ark - for instance including double-glazed windows, a fine dining restaurant and luxurious bedrooms.
Inside, real-life exotic animals can be found - including a nautilus, a toucan and reams of fish.
Architects appear to have used some artistic licence in parts of the Ark - for instance including double-glazed windows, a fine dining restaurant and luxurious bedrooms.
Inside, real-life exotic animals can be found - including a nautilus, a toucan and reams of fish.
All lit up: The Ark shines under Hong Kong 's lights as a fiberglass giraffe stands guard near the entrance
Authentic: Various fiberglass animals stand outside the Ark to mimic the Bible tale where Noah
took creatures on board the vessel
The Noah's Ark Theme Park is now run by Christian organizations, who use it to promote peace and unity.
took creatures on board the vessel
The Noah's Ark Theme Park is now run by Christian organizations, who use it to promote peace and unity.
Matthew Pine, manager of Noah's Ark Theme Park, said:
'They had a vision to do something remarkable, something outstanding.
'They came up with many ideas. Some of them were really outrageous.
'But then they came across this girl's drawing, and knew it would be something do-able that captured imaginations.
'They had a vision to do something remarkable, something outstanding.
'They came up with many ideas. Some of them were really outrageous.
'But then they came across this girl's drawing, and knew it would be something do-able that captured imaginations.
'So they hired architects and engineers to create the replica Noah's Ark. '
Food for thought: The Ark also includes a sophisticated-looking restaurant as one of its on-board attractions
Bed for the night: Guests on board Noah's Ark can also stay on the Biblical vessel
in one of its luxurious hotel-style rooms
Land-bound: The Hong Kong-based Noah's Ark theme park was built in 2009 and is popular among tourists
Matthew added: 'The reason we chose that moment in the Bible's story is because this is the message
we want to bring to Hong Kong, to China , to the world.
'In our lives we always face floods, we will face trials, we will face difficulties.
'Hopefully Noah's Ark will inspire people to pass
through those troubles as Noah did in his day.'
The Ark opened in May 2009, 17 years after plans
were first made for the enormous structure.
Matthew added: 'The reason we chose that moment in the Bible's story is because this is the message
we want to bring to Hong Kong, to China , to the world.
'In our lives we always face floods, we will face trials, we will face difficulties.
'Hopefully Noah's Ark will inspire people to pass
through those troubles as Noah did in his day.'
The Ark opened in May 2009, 17 years after plans
were first made for the enormous structure.
Flying over America
Michael Aoun's Evil Blindness Is His Own Choice/ Elias Bejjani
Sadly, the Lebanese, Maronite Christian MP, Micheal Aoun, the Syrian-Iranian puppet and the notorious derailed Trojan horse politician has become totally electively blind, not only in his physical vision, but also in his mind, heart and conscience. This politically selfish merchant declared boldly and without any kind of shame or self-respect that there are no outlaw zones (security zones) in Lebanon.
"Aoun: There are border regions that don't enjoy sovereignty. There are no security zones and those who committed violations on the airport road were arrested and put in jail,� he noted. (Naharnet, November 20/12)
He is so psychologically blind that he no longer sees the Hezbollah mini-state, the Palestinians, Ahmad Jebriel's Syrian military camps in Nahme, Helwa, Kousaya, Kfarzabed, Yanta, Dair Al Ghazal and Sultan Yacoub, or the 12 Palestinian armed camps, or even the Ali Eid's mini- al-Assad Baathist armed state in Tripoli (North Lebanon) among many others spread all over occupied Lebanon.
Yes, Lebanon is occupied because the country is not independent or free under any given rational criteria or laws due to the fact that the Axis of Evil Syrian and Iranian armed terrorists fully control its decision making process and entirely run all its governmental institutions, including its armed forces, cabinet and judiciary.
Aoun is blind by choice to an extent that he is not any more mentally oriented to be capable of recognizing in his very sick and opportunist mind that all these outlaw areas are not under legitimate Lebanese control or authority. Aoun really needs to see a psychiatrist, because his blindness is selective and physical.
The national Lebanese dilemma is no longer linked to this man who is ready to sell and trade anything for his own personal gain, but in the subservient mentality of many Lebanese Christians who follow Aoun wherever he goes and support him in any rhetoric or policies that he decides on no matter what the consequences are deluded.
Unfortunately Aoun has poisoned and corrupted the minds of his supporters and killed in them all critical abilities, discretion and initiatives. They follow him blindly and think that he knows everything and is superior in his vision and future prospects to theirs.
One might ask why all these Lebanese Christian citizens from all walks of life still see in Aoun a redeemer in spite of all his chameleon, pro-Axis of Evil rhetoric, crystal clear anti-Lebanese stances, narcissism and demagoguery?
The disappointing answer lies in the fact that all the other Christian leaders and parties, including the Maronite Patriarch, Bchara Al Raei, are worse than Aoun in all domains and are not seen by the majority of the Lebanese Christians as genuine patriotic substitutes. In reality, the shameful political records of these anti-Aoun politicians are so blemished and even considerably more rotten than those of Aoun.
It is very obvious that that the Lebanese in general, and the Lebanese Christians in particular need to produce new leadership to replace those who have failed in accordance with all national and ethical standards. The current bunch of Lebanese politicians from all denominations and ideologies have seriously failed to represent the Lebanese ambitions, address their fears and to propose solid plans to tackle the country�s hardships and problems.
It is worth mentioning that due to the devastating war in Gaza and because of Hezbollah's occupation of all Lebanon, an open conflict could be replicated between Israel and Hezbollah, the Iranian terrorist proxy organization, at any time.
In the same context one wonders about what is keeping the European countries from putting Hezbollah on their terrorist lists. This European stance has to be decided ASAP to join ongoing global anti terrorism efforts spearheaded by the USA, Canada and Australia. The same applies to all the Arabic countries where Hezbollah is acting as an Iranian armed proxy to destabilize their peace and instigate chaos especially that many of these countries are now seeing in Iran as the actual existential threat and not Israel.
Meanwhile, Lebanon will not regain its independence, sovereignty, peace, stability and freedom before forging a fair and long-lasting peace accord with Israel as was the situation with Jordan and Egypt. Such an accord will put an end to the ongoing schemes of those fanatical Arabists, terrorists, jihadists and others who have been using Lebanon since the early seventies, against the will of the majority of its people, as a terrorist battle field to wage camouflaged and deceitful wars against Israel. These terrorists, the PLO, and the Arabists between 1975 till 1982 and the Iranian Hezbollah Shiite militia since then are the actual Lebanese problem
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