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The Syrian Regime's Brutality Vs. The Free World's Indifference/ Elias Bejjani
It is a well-known scientific fact and a proven reality that animals who are carnivorous predators do not hunt and kill their prey unless they are hungry and not because they love to kill or find a pleasure in hunting. These animals do not torture their prey but kill them on the spot within few minutes.
Based on these realities it is a deadly sin and a cowardly encroachment against every and each human value, faith, covenant and principle to say that those armed murderers (the "Shabeha"-Assad's family�s armed thugs, mercenaries, professional murderers and militias) who committed the Houla massacre in Syria last Friday are acting like animals. It is not fair at all and under any given reasons or circumstances to even relate their barbaric and savage acts to animals, or otherwise we would be genuinely and purposely insulting animals.
One can't really imagine or believe that there are still human beings in this 21st century who are actually vampires and Draculas, much, much worse than what was depicted in the 1897 novel, "Count Dracula" by the Irish author, Bram Stoker. Watching this scary and disgusting amateur video will display those real and actual human vampires and Draculas in action. What a shame on the free and civilized world to watch and just do nothing to forcefully topple the Syrian dictatorship and rescue the Syrian people.
Click on the link below, sign in to prove that you are 18 or older and watch (an amateur video) what the whole world is talking about, but just talking and doing nothing except issuing comedic and ineffective denouncement releases as well as toothless and sarcastic sanctions.
Last Friday, 110 Syrian citizens were tortured and mutilated beyond all human imagination and then they were slaughtered like sheep. This barbaric crime took place in Syria's west-central area of Houla on the hands of Al-Assad regime "Shabeha" thugs in cold blood, and with dead conscience, numbed hearts and indescribable brutality.
The victims as per UN observers' reports were 50 children, 35 women and 20 elderly men. This gruesome massacre was denounced rhetorically by the UN General Council and the majority of the countries all over the world including Canada, but sadly nothing yet has been practically done on the ground to stop the Syrian regime from murdering its own people that has been mercilessly continuing on a daily basis for the last 15 months. According to the UN, 13.000 have been killed, 50.000 detained and thousands have disappeared with no knowledge of their fate.
Even the murderers themselves, their bloody leadership and criminal allies (the Syrian regime, Iranian mullahs, the Hezbollah terrorist organization) have issued statements of denouncement stupidly alleging that the Syrian revolutionists, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Qatar have committed this horrible crime and not them.
In an evil act of humiliation to the whole world, the Al-Assad dictatorial regime with extreme insolence and audacity has announced that it is has started a massive investigation campaign and that all those accountable for the crime will be put on trial to dearly pay for their atrocities.
Meanwhile, special UN and Arab League envoy Kofi Annan visited Syria on Monday and met with its criminal leadership, but there was nothing he could do except count the victims, uttering empty warnings and engaging in fruitless, Babylonian and endless talks. The same inept stance also applies to the Arab League and to all the Arab countries, as well as to neighboring Turkey which has loudly voiced many threats but never yet put any of them into action.
It is worth mentioning that the brutal Syrian regime has been in power for the last 42 years with the help, support and financing of the Western world, Iran, Arab countries and Russia. It was allowed to freely occupy neighboring Lebanon for 30 years and to slaughter its people, force them to leave their country, and destroy all its institutions. It was the Syrian regime that helped Iran to form the terrorist Hezbollah armed Shiite militia and to erect its ministate. It was also the Syrian regime turned the 17 Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon into ministates. Meanwhile, the majority of worldwide terrorist groups, fundamentalist Salafists and Islamists were hatched, trained, used and exported by the notorious Stalinist and Nazi Syrian Secret Intelligence bodies.
It is time for the UN, Free World and Arab countries to speak about "force" and military intervention, the only language that Al-Assad and his thugs will understand and respond to. Force MUST be utilized sooner and not later to topple the brutal Syrian regime and rescue the victimized Syrian people as was the situation with Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, etc. Meanwhile, it doesn�t matter who is going to rule Syria after the Al -Assad era is over because in reality nothing could be worse than this Stone Age dictatorship.
In conclusion, there will be no peace in the Middle East and a reasonable and acceptable long-lasting solution for the Arab-Israeli conflict unless the Syrian butchering regime is toppled, as well as all the other dictatorships in the region which survive on hostility, enmity, hatred and fanaticism
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To Destroy a Nation, Destroy Its Families' Code Of Respect/ Elias Bejjani

How true is this saying, because there will be no value, or meaning for our lives if not blessed and flavored by the wisdom, love and blessings of our parents and of other elder members in our families. He who does not honor the elderly in his family, especially his own parents is a person with a hardened heart, numbed conscience, no faith, no self respect and no gratitude.
History teaches us that the easiest route for destroying a nation is to destroy, its cornerstone, the family. Once the family code of respect is belittled and not honored, the family is divided and loses all its Godly blessings. "Any kingdom divided against itself is laid waste; and a house divided against itself falls" (Luke 11-17"
One very important concept and an extremely wise approach MUST apply and prevail when reading the Holy Bible in a bid to understand its contents and observe the Godly instructions and life guidelines that are enlisted. The concept needs to be a faith one with an open frame of mind free from doubts, questioning and challenges.
Meanwhile the approach and interpretation MUST both be kept within the abstract manner, thinking and mentality frame, and not in the concrete way of thinking and interpretation.
We read in (Matthew 15/04: "For God said, Respect your father and your mother, and If you curse your father or your mother, you are to be put to death).
Do we have to read this verse concretely and take it merely in its verbatim content?
I posted this verse in both English and Arabic on my Face Book page and the kind of comments that it generated shocked me. Below are three of these comments:
1-"I pray that this does not apply to teenagers?"
2-"Who else would it apply to? From teenagers to adults to parents...Until their own parents die; then they weep and wail"
3- "Thank goodness because I think we would all be dead if it applied to teenagers at some point, just learning about the "teenage years" with my oldest"
This verse simply dwells on The Fifth Biblical Commandment: "Honor your Father and Mother". To grasp its meaning rightfully and put it in its right faith content one should understand that death in the Bible is not the death of the body as we experience and see on earth. DEATH in the Bible means the SIN that leads to eternal anguish in Hell.
The Bible teaches us that through His crucifixion, death and resurrection Jesus defeated death in its ancient human, earthly concept. He broke the death thorn and since than, the actual death became the sin. Those who commit the sin die and on the judgment day are outcast to the eternal fire. Death for the believers is a temporary sleep on the hope of resurrection.
Accordingly the verse "If you curse your father or your mother, you are to be put to death", means that those who do not honor their parents, help, support and respect them commit a deadly sin and God on the Judgment Day will make them accountable if they do not repent and honor their parents.
God is a Father, a loving, passionate and caring One, and in this context He made the honoring of parents one of the Ten Commandments.
Below are three Biblical verses that dwell on the Fifth Commandment
1-�Honor your father and your mother, so that your days may be long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.� (Exodus 20:12)
2-�Honor your father and your mother, as the LORD your God commanded you, so that your days may be long and that it may go well with you in the land that the LORD your God is giving you.� (Deuteronomy 5:16)
3-�You shall each revere your mother and father, and you shall keep my Sabbaths: I am the LORD your God.� (Leviticus 19:3)
In conclusion: The abstract and faith interpretation of Matthew 15/04 verse must not be related to children or teenagers who because of an age and maturity factors might temporarily repel against their parents and disobey them.
Hopefully, each and every one of us, no matter what religion or denomination he/she is affiliated to will never ever ignore his parents and commit the deadly SIN of not honoring them through every way and mean especially when they are old and unable to take care of themselves.
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