Beheading In Saudi Arabia/ Elias Bejjani

Beheading In Saudi Arabia/ Elias Bejjani

My letter that was sent yesterday to the Honorable, Mr. Lawrence Cannon, Canada�s Minister of Foreign Affairs regarding a desperate call to save the life of a Lebanese Citizen from being beheaded in Saudi ArabiaIn my capacity as an active Canadian Lebanese human rights activist, journalist, political analyst and commentator, and founder of the Canadian Lebanese Human Rights



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How true is the following........

How true is the following........

AmericaThe only country where we have homeless without shelter, children going to bed without eating, elderly going without needed meds, and mentally ill without treatment - yet we have a benefit for the people of Haiti on 12 TV stations, ships and planes lining up with food, water, tents, clothes, bedding, doctors and medical supplies.Imagine if we gave



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